Saturday, September 22, 2007

Week 1 of Boot Camp

Boot Camp....Of course my first question, was ARE THEY GOING TO CUT YOUR HAIR! The answer is no. Girls get lucky in that sense, they do not have to cut their hair, but they do have to keep it off of their necks during boot camp. That was Emily's first question for her recruiter when she went into the Army office. It would have been a much harder recruit for Sergeant Rivera if the haircut had been required. The first 4-5 days of boot camp is all processing. From what was explained to Emily there would be a lot of standing in line and plenty of time to listen to the Ipod Michelle Mathis gave her before she left. For those of you who don't know Emily, she loves to sing and loves to dance. I picture her in line with her Ipod dancing like crazy and making lots of people laugh....I am sure this is very is probably not quite that fun. Until I hear otherwise we can all think of that for now. :)
I was able to attend Emily's final swear in at the MEPS building in downtown Houston. It was very special to be a part of that. I have included a video of Emily swearing in. Logan did very well with his goodbyes....better than his Kiki (that's me). I was teary, but they were proud tears. I was so excited to see Emily make such an amazing decision for her life and I look forward to getting her first letter. Until then....


Stephanie A. "Stevie" McHugh said...

I'm Emily's mom, and I am so very proud of Private Johnson! There are no words! I'm also proud of Nikki for being such a beautiful support to her sister and, of course, for taking wonderful care of my grandson! Kiki, you rock! My prayers will specially be with Emily and Logan every day. When I found out Emily was joining the army, I asked God to give me some verses of scripture just for Emily -- for me to pray for her and not to worry about her. He quickly led me to Psalm 112. When I shared the Bible verses with Emily, she said she immediately recognized the psalm as God's words for her. What a blessing to see God guiding her not just in this but all along the way--and Emily recognizing it! Thank you, Nikki, for this website! All my love to my gorgeous daughters and Logan.

Anonymous said...

We are so proud of ALL the folks who made this happen for Emily. This is truly a 'do over' and we are so happy for her!

Anonymous said...

So proud of you Em! Keep up with the updates! Nikki, emily has such an incredible and supportive sister. i hope that i can grow up to be as loved and cherished as you and Chelle are.