Monday, October 22, 2007

Sad Realization....

My phone is just not great and I discovered today that I have missed several of Emily's calls. Her first message she sounded very down....I feel like a horrible sister. I know she needed someone to talk to. The first weeks of boot camp are supposed to be awful. Her other message was more positive. She is loving the letters and wants more pics of her boy! I am so bummed and upset because I know she could use some love and encouragement. I am praying she calls again very soon.....*sniffle*

I am not great at updating so I am behind. I have spoken to Emily once since she has been in Boot Camp. She sounded great! She was very excited to tell me that she had her gun and she even had to sleep with it. She sounded very positive. I have not received any letters from her about her troop and what is going on with her in Fort Jackson, so I don't have enough specifics for everyone about what she is doing, if she has made some friends and how she is holding out. If you don not have her address please post a message to me and I will get it to you so that you can write. I want her to be flooded with letters. I have set this blog up so that the posts have to be approved by me before they are posted so as soon as I see your post I will reply to you with her address. I am not posting her address on the public part of the blogspot because I don't want some anti-war person seeing her address and sending something mean.


Miss Kate said...

Please send me Emily's address - I really want her to feel good about what she's doing - she deserves that.

Stevie A. McHugh said...

I got the same sad realization, Nikki! I missed Emily's call, but I was happy to hear her voice in my messages. She sounded good, though I've heard since then that the army is tougher than she thought it would be. Good thing Emily's always been tough, or I'd be all upset. I sent Em a fresh batch of pictures yesterday. Many of them will remind her what a pretty young woman she is -- I hear she can't wear make-up in boot camp. If she takes after me at all, that's a tough one! (I get that from MY mother--it's a family tradition :)
Love to Emily, love to Logan, love to Aunt Kiki! Thank God for grace to get through and for hearing our prayers!